Parshat Shoftim
Individual Articles

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Sedra Summary

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A Sage is Greater than a Prophet

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Probing the Prophets

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A Monumental Lesson

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Two Luminaries in One Giant

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Experiencing Elul

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Chodesh Elul

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Elul: Not What You Think

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Immersion for Mixed Material Utensils Part II

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Simchat Shmuel

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Grapes, Wine and Kilei Hakerem #1

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The Simple Faith of Rebbe Nachman zt"l and Rav Shach zt"l

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Guard Thy Gates!

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Women Passing through an Outdoor Minyan

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If I Have to Eat Before Shacharit

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What Does it Mean to be a “Student of Ahron”? By Rabbi Dovid Gottlieb

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Transforming Challenge into Opportunity

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Birchot Hashachar IV

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The Fear of Fear

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A Place Before God By Rabbi Shimshon Jacob

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Dealing with Doubt//Rooted in Potential

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