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Aliya-By-Aliya - Sedra Summary
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The Many Songs of Leadership
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Kohelet, Tolstoy and the Red Heifer
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Yiftach as Leader
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The Para Aduma: Why Here and Not in Vayikra?
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Wonderful Well
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The Snake & The Tzadik
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Fish and Meat on the Same Table
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Rabbi Yeshayahu Shapira
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Dynamic Connectivity
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"Torah Tidbits This 'n That
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Comprehending the Incomprehensible
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Removing Hair from a Necklace
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Definite or Possible Danger
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Reciting Pirkei Avot on Shabbat
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Buying a Tree in a Nursery Outside of Israel, part 1
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True Leadership
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Then, They, the Children of Israel, Sang this Song of the Well
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Elie Wiesel’s Chavruta
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Historical Memory
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A Time to Strike & A Time to Speak
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Parshat Chukat/Do Rules Have a Purpose?
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